Stereo Repair Houston: Mcintosh Turntable MT2 repair


I am instructed, and I am persuaded, that posting content on the Bammel Blog of our repairs would be advantageous for both the public and our own prospects. It has been quite a while since our last blog post but in the interest of interest: here we go. We reference here in particular our website heading: Stereo Repair Houston. A post on recent turntable repair of customer’s Mcintosh MT2 turntable.

Post Main Body

Customer brought to us his very nice, classic Mcintosh turntable, model MT2, in early September, with a complaint of slow running speed. Mcintosh referred customer to us as we are their master service for Texas. We created customer’s repair ticket on our Diamond Service / priority service basis, which includes: 


  • Expedited 1-2 business day diagnostic results
  • Any quick-fix labor, and
  • Double warranty on any completed repair

Our data entry completed, and with our repair claim check in the customer’s possession, we sent both the ticket and unit into the master tech’s service queue for initial diagnostic assessment. 

The Mcintosh MT2 Turntable

From the Mcintosh website, it appears that Mcintosh as of this writing is still producing their well-regarded MT2 model. Hoisting the unit one notes the clear impression of substantial mass and power; no issues of low-end rumbling likely on this machine. The MT2 shipped with a Sumiko Moonstone cartridge, an advanced device functioning on the moving-magnet technology model, with a 3.x.7 mil elliptical diamond stylus. According to the Mcintosh site the Moonstone cartridge/stylus combo “transcribes sonic imagery with weight, richness, depth, and keenly realistic texture. The sonic image is suspended and well-controlled over a nearly-absent noise floor, providing fantastic clarity without etch nor confusion.” 

Strong words; but at a near-$5k list price one can well agree with the customer’s desire and ardent wish to get this unit restored and back up and running. Bammel TV is clearly situated prominently to assist such customer’s with their high-value repairs. We’ve done many many hundreds of turntables, and many thousands of stereo products otherwise (not to mention our TV repair record, which runs into the hundreds of thousands.)

The MT2 Turntable Repair

Our master tech examined the unit within two days, that is within our standard Diamond Service time frame. This unit requires a special power cord or adapter to function; we polled the customer but customer’s power adaptor was unavailable so we collected a parts deposit and ordered a secondary power cord/pack for the unit. 

Upon arrival of the necessary power adapter our master tech completed his assessment. We gave report and quote to the customer for standard profile services, namely mechanical alignments, adjustments and calibrations. Customer approved our repair quote; and repair was completed, tested and finalized per our standard protocols. 

Post Conclusion

Customer’s high-value Mcintosh unit is now, as of this writing: restored, repaired, and ready to come home. 

With our Diamond warranty we extend the customer’s standard Bammel TV warranty (still the best in the country we believe) out to double length: 6 full months repair warranty. There are few repair tickets we encounter beyond our purview of skills; another one bites the dust, as we like to say.

 Ask for Diamond Service on your next turntable repair ticket—or on any electronics repair ticket!  And for Stereo Repair Houston: visit Bammel TV Technology Services! 

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Bammel TV Technology Services